[Parametrable Object]

The basis class for geometry models. More...


class  Geometry
class  Camera
 The basis class for camera models. More...


uint32 Geometry::memory ()
bool Geometry::is_ok ()
virtual void Geometry::bbox_get (bbox &bb)=0
virtual void Geometry::bsphere_get (bsphere &bs)=0
virtual bool Geometry::intersect (ray &r, float &distance, packed &data)=0
virtual void Geometry::compute_intersection (ray &r, intersection &inter, packed &data)=0
virtual void Geometry::surface_sample (const uint32 number, vec3 *vtab, vec3 *ntab)=0

Detailed Description

The basis class for geometry models.

Geometry describes a geometry representation or primitive like parametric spheres or cones, meshes or others. There are no limitations to the geometry type: if you want to represent a 3D cloud, do this class ;)

Function Documentation

virtual void Geometry::bbox_get ( bbox &  bb  )  [pure virtual, inherited]

Evaluates and "returns" the axis aligned bounding box of this object.

bb the resulting AABB.

virtual void Geometry::bsphere_get ( bsphere &  bs  )  [pure virtual, inherited]

Evaluates and "returns" the bounding sphere of this object.

bb the resulting BS.

virtual void Geometry::compute_intersection ( ray &  r,
intersection &  inter,
packed &  data 
) [pure virtual, inherited]

Computes the full intersection knowing r, inter.plocal and gdata

r the used ray,
inter the resulting intersection,
gdata some information which are coming from intersect.

virtual bool Geometry::intersect ( ray &  r,
float &  distance,
packed &  data 
) [pure virtual, inherited]

Evaluates an intersection test and compute distance from the ray's origin to this point.

r the ray to evaluate,
distance the distance from the ray's origin to the intersection point,
gdata some place to pack temporaries informations to pass to compute_intersection.
true if an intersection is found.

virtual void Geometry::surface_sample ( const uint32  number,
vec3 *  vtab,
vec3 *  ntab 
) [pure virtual, inherited]

Computes points and normals on the object's surface.

number the number of samples to compute,
vtab the vertices array,
ntab the normals array.

Generated on Tue Nov 14 15:40:08 2006 for libcrbn by  doxygen 1.5.0